This dashboard lets you explore global and country-specific population data.
Total population is based on the de facto definition of population, which counts all residents regardless of legal status or citizenship. The values shown are midyear estimates.
How to Use
- Line Chart
- View yearly trends globally, by country, or for a selected group(*).
- Compare trends across multiple countries (up to five) over time.
- Adjust the year range or select a specific year to focus on data for that period.
- Bar Chart
- Choose world or regional data to compare values across countries.
- Select a specific year to view data for that point in time.
- Hover over a country to see a quick view of its yearly trends.
- When one or multiple countries are selected, you can go to the line chart dashboard to view trends for the selected countries.
- Map Chart
- Choose world or regional data to compare country values by circle size.
- Select a specific year to focus on data for that point in time.
- Hover over a country to get a brief view of its yearly trends.
- When one or multiple countries are selected, you can go to the line chart dashboard to view trends for the selected countries.